Do you know what bored means ?
It means you have no imagination .
There is only one person on this earth that I know that says those words . My Dad.
You are the one that taught me how to play.
You are the one that taught me how to project , not shout.
I've spent seconds of my life next to you screaming MONEY BACK , at free things .
I remember when we'd cycle to your work , and I'd be ahead of you and feel really pleased with myself.But then suddenly you'd say "eat my dust" and cycle off really fast leaving me behind because Ngozi would catch up with you.
When I fell on my bike and I had a cut under my eye and we went to the hospital . At the waiting room a butcher came in with half his hand hanging on by a string of flesh and you said to me "that is what you eye looks like " and laughed.
Laughing at Ngozi's broken finger while the doctor moved it all over the place.
Whenever we'd make fun of a hideous outfit.
Or bet on the X - factor.
You'd always say that I ate too much Ice cream.
To always share .
To always drink water before we went out.
To pretend to be younger to go to theme parks.
I laugh every time I remember making you a herbal tea and adding milk .
You always laugh at my drawing just because they had a belly button , o had really big heads.
You always get amused by simple things , and yet you always find a way to explain the most elaborate .
With you I can , sing , hide , dance , fly , dream , seek ,learn , sleep, listen, succeed , anything I want.
You teach me how to listen and how to respect.
You have the biggest smile .
You listen with more than ears and you love with all your heart . Just like Nan .
I thank you for beeing you , becasue thanks to you I am Me.
Happy Birthday ! and infinitive tones of Love.
Sorry for making you have grey hairs . " I didn't have these until you two came along "