It's just another day in my least normal life.
But this day is going to be about You .
You who brought me to this world .
You who looks after me .
You who I love and admire.
I thank you for teaching me , not to eat of a dirty table . To share , to not contradict ,
to be kind , to always look out for other people.
You've taught me not to be greedy . And ask only what I need.
I need , no more than I have . But you have always made sure I have much more than I need.
Sunday mornings = national portrait gallery , science or natural history museum ...
You are the only person I know and will ever know that will not eat for years if necessery just so my sister and I could stuff our faces.
You let me stay out late , travel the world by bus if I wanted to ...
I am grateful to have YOU as my mother .
And yes of course , I've said you're stupid and I get cross , and I say you shout alot .
But that's all part of you . And I wouldn't want you to change.
I love YOU , Ngozi loves you . And that's all that matters.